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Ce sanctiuni poate atrage nedepunerea declaratiilor la termen

de Ana Tudor la 06 Mai. 2016 Exclusiv
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Ce sanctiuni poate atrage nedepunerea declaratiilor la termen
Modificarea datelor din declaratia de inregistrare fiscala (forumular 010) trebuie adusa la cunostinta organului fiscal central in termen de 15 zile de la data producerii acestora, potrivit Codului Fiscal.

Vom analiza in continuare un studiu de caz in acest sens: Suntem in vectorul fiscal platitori de accize pentru cafea si cum incepand cu ianuarie 2016 nu se mai declara in D100 am incercat sa completam si declaratia 010 pentru scoatere din vector a acestei contributii. Problema este ca cei de la finante vor sa ne dea amenda pentru ca nu am depus pana la 31 ianuarie 010. Este corecta decizia lor?

Raspunsul expertilor Rentrop&Straton:

Analizand legislatia in vigoare, apreciem ca modificarile ulterioare ale datelor din declaratia de inregistrare fiscala (forumular 010) trebuie aduse la cunostinta organului fiscal central, in termen de 15 zile de la data producerii acestora, prin completarea si depunerea declaratiei de mentiuni (010), asa cum arata art. 88 alin. (1) din Codul de procedura fiscala.

Termenul de depunere a declaratiei de mentiuni pentru anul 2015 a fost de 30 de zile, conform prevederilor de la art.77 alin. (1) din Codul de procedura fiscala, valabil pana la 31.12.2015.

Atentie! Nedepunderea de catre contribuabil/platitor la termenele prevazute de lege a declaratiilor de inregistrare fiscala, de radiere a inregistrarii fiscale sau de mentiuni, constituie contraventie si se sanctioneaza cu amenda conform prevederilor de  art. 336 alin. (1) lit. a) din Codul de procedura fiscala.

Asadar, nu ati depus declaratia de mentiuni (010) in termenul legal, motiv pentru care apreciem ca decizia organului fiscal este corecta.

In cazul in care nu mai aveti alta sanctiune anterioara, puteti solicita organului fiscal aplicarea sanctiunii sub forma de avertisment.

Sursa: Portal Contabilitate

Autor: Ana Tudor

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Former President Barack Obama shared his secrets on how he was able to remain calm and level-headed under immense pressure throughout his presidency while speaking at a tech conference this week.

The 44th President of the United States told attendees in Salt Lake City, Utah on Wednesday that there some truth to his nickname “no drama Obama,” despite admitting he would still be ridden with fear over making a mistake.

“I have an even temperament and I don’t get too high and I don’t get too low, but that doesn’t mean that throughout the presidency and throughout my professional career that there weren’t times when I was constrained by, ‘Man I don’t want to screw this up. I don’t want to let people down,” Mr Obama said at a conference hosted by software company Qualtrics. “I don’t want to be seen as having made made a mistake or having failed’.”

It wasn’t until his second term did Mr Obama experienced a “shedding of fear” that he said helped him perform better.

“There’s no doubt by the time I was in my second term I was a better president than I was in my first term and it did not have to do with analysis or policy,” he added. “It had to do with what comes with any career — whether it’s sports or teaching or you name it — you get enough reps, enough repetition and familiarity with the nature of the problems that you start being focused on the task and not how-are-you-doing-on-the-task and the self-consciousness that comes with that.”

The former president said his change of attitude with focusing on the tasks at hand, rather than being fixated at the performance of it, helped him make strides when it came to the Iran nuclear deal and the Paris Climate accords.

He was able to overcome his anxiety that made him fixated over making possible mistakes by learning how to become more comfortable with tackling the large complex problems.

Rather than being obsessed with poll numbers or commentary from pundits, he would focus on “advancing this vision that I have and I hope the country will share, that we create a better country.”

He did this by not letting the press distract him. Mr Obama said he does not look at social media comments or watch pundits on cable news including the commentary insulting and praising him.

“If people were complementary, people assume you know more than you did,” the former president said before noting that an inflated ego can be just as detrimental as low self-esteem.

Mr Obama viewed the public commentary about him “unhelpful” and “not useful to me in doing my job or solving a problem, but designed to feed possible anxiety.”

But what happens if the former president does make a mistake?

“And if I make a mistake we’ll figure out how to make up for it,” he said, “we’ll learn from it.”

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?Les amateurs de boxe partout attendent le jour o?? Floyd Mayweather et Manny Pacquiao monter sur le ring et affrontez un autre. Manning est d'avoir une autre excellente saison, jusqu'?? pr??sent avec 15 touch??s et trois interceptions. Il devrait ??tre amusant de regarder les dunks de Blake Griffin contre trois points de shooting. adidas nmd homme grise Malgr?? rang aussi ??lev?? que n ?? 12 dans le monde, la Suisse se trouve toujours derri??re sept ??quipes europ??ennes: Allemagne, Belgique, Pays-Bas, France, Italie, Portugal et Espagne. The raison la plus ??vidente ??tant bien s?r les luttes du Real Madrid. super star femme Abel Hernandez de Hull dirig?? Tom Huddlestone traverser mettre la balle Arsenal gardien Wojciech Szczesny pass?? dans la 46e minute du match de prendre 2-1 avance sur Arsenal dans la deuxi??me half. Proc??d?? de Madrid configuration la plus ??vidente pour Ancelotti en l'absence de Rodriguez est son 4-3-3 pr??f??r?? avec Asier Illarramendi assis dans le lieu de d??tention et le milieu de terrain permettant Toni Kroos et Isco de se d??placer plus en avant. yeezy 350 olive Superstar Cristiano Ronaldo a re?u son deuxi??me Ballon d'Or cons??cutif, et James Rodriguez a remport?? le Prix Puskas pour le meilleur but de l'ann??e. chaussure adidas femme gazelle Il a mis en place 26 buts dans 30 jeux pour l'??quipe tout en offrant quatre passes. ?Les Knicks de New York sont attendus pour faire une course ?? la signature des agents libres de grands noms cet ??t?? et en 2016, mais l'ancien Knick JR Smith est incertain si l'??quipe pourrait convaincre les superstars de passer ?? la Big Apple. adidas 42 superstar a fleur adidas As folles comme Rivers commerciaux peut sembler loin, en avoir pour un quart de vieillissement qui a lanc?? 18 interceptions la saison derni??re, tandis que vous pouvez encore peut-??tre sage.


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RikyCam 2018-07-11 18:07:56

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IsrafaceDiG 2018-06-20 12:31:44

Ð?зÑ?аилÑ? знакомÑ?Ñ?ва в Ð?зÑ?аиле

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IsrafaceDiG 2018-06-09 11:34:45

СоÑ?иалÑ?наÑ? Ñ?еÑ?Ñ? знакомÑ?Ñ?в в Ð?зÑ?аиле
Ð?накомÑ?Ñ?ва в Ð?зÑ?аиле беÑ?плаÑ?но подÑ?обнее по Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?лке

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